Play European Roulette
Online European Roulette is very similar to American Roulette. Basically, a small white ball is released on a spinning roulette wheel. The roulette wheel is made up of either red or black slots that are either colored or numbered. The goal of this European version of Online Roulette is to predict where the ball will land. You may place a bet on different combinations including color, number or a group of numbers. In European Roulette, the roulette wheel has 37 numbered slots, including a 0 slot.
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How to play
European Roulette is one of the glamorous casino games played worldwide. Here there is a spinning wheel and 37 numbered pockets. The pockets are numbered one to 36 and there is one zero. The pockets are colored red and green alternatively and zero is colored green. In the game the wheel spins and a small ball is dropped to roll against the wheel. The player predicts and bets upon the outcome of the ball roll.
There are different betting options in European Roulette. The rules and regulations are simple and the important feature of the game is that the house edge is only 2.59%, which is much lesser than in American Roulette. Roulette table consists of outside bets and inside bets. At each Roulette table, there are maximum and minimum table limits. You are free to make your choice of bet.
The minimum bet is $1 on both inside and outside bets. The maximum bet is $200 and $250 on inside and outside bets respectively. You have to click on the chips to select the bet. And to place the bet, you have to click on the layout. You can place multiple bets to increase the odds of winning. As soon as the croupier places the marker on the table, you can no longer place, collect or remove any bets that you may have placed.
To spin the wheel, you have to click on the ‘Spin’ button. When the wheel stops, the ball stops and takes a slot. If it happens to be the one that you placed the bet, you win. You can repeat your bet using the ‘Repeat’ button or can clear your bet and place a new one. You can change your betting denominations or betting amount after every spin.
Different types of bets in the European Roulette are:
Bet | What It Means |
Red | 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 12, 14, 16, 18, 19, 21, 23, 25, 27, 30, 32, 34, 36 are the numbers in the red slots. |
Black | 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 11, 13, 15, 17, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 29, 31, 33, 35 are in the black slots. |
Even | 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 30, 32, 34 and 36 are in the even numbers. |
Odd | 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 25, 27, 29, 31, 33 and 35 are the odd numbers. |
First Twelve | The winning number is among the first twelve numbers (1-12) irrespective of the color. |
Second Twelve | The winning number is among the second twelve numbers. (13-24) irrespective of the color. |
Third Twelve | The winning number is among the third twelve (25-36) irrespective of the color. |
18-Jan | The winning number is from 1-18 irrespective of the color. |
19-36 | The winning number is from 19-36 irrespective of the color. |
2-1 Column | There are three 2-1 columns. They are called so because their payout is 2:1. The first column has the numbers: 1, 4, 7, 10, 13, 16, 19, 22, 25, 28, 31 and 34. The second column has the numbers: 2, 5, 8, 11, 14, 17, 20, 23, 26, 29, 32 and 35. The third column has the numbers: 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24, 27, 30, 33 and 36 |
Straight up | The winning number is the exact number that the bet has been placed on. For e.g.: If a bet is placed on the number 16 and the ball actually lands at the pocket marked 16, the straight up bet wins. |
Split Bet | The single bet is divided amongst two numbers. A split bet has to be placed on two adjoining numbers on the table – either vertically or horizontally. For e.g.: A split bet can be made on 13 and 14 horizontally or 13 and 16 or 14 and 17 vertically. To place the bet, you can click on the line between the two numbers. |
Street Bet | A street bet is a single bet divided across three numbers. The numbers have to necessarily be in one row. Clicking on the right edge of the table next to the numbers you want to select, will place your bet. For e.g.: 13, 14, 15 or 22, 23, 24 |
Corner Bet | Corner bet is a bet placed on four adjacent numbers. For e.g.: 1, 2, 4, 5 or 25, 26, 28, 29. |
Corner Bet (0,1,2,3) | In this corner bet, the winning numbers have to be among 0, 1, 2 and 3. This bet can be placed by clicking on the right hand corner shared by 0 and 3. |
Six Number Bet | A single bet on six numbers is a six number bet. The bet can be placed on two adjacent rows of numbers. For e.g.: 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 and 18. |
Neighbor Bet | If you bet on a number in the oval layout on the right hand side of the table, you will bet on five numbers in a go. Your bet will be on the number that you chose two numbers that figure on the left of that number on the wheel and two numbers that figure on the right of that number on the wheel. For eg: if you place your bet on 1 in the oval layout, you will bet on 14, 20 (left side of 1 on the wheel) 33, 16 (right side of 1 on the wheel) and of course, 1. |
Voisons du Zero | This bet is made on the numbers which lie between 22 and 25 on the wheel including 22 and 25 themselves. The series is 22, 18, 29, 7, 28, 12, 35, 3, 26, 0, 32, 15, 19, 4, 21, 2 and 25. A total of nine chips are bet on a basic $1 bet. If the basic bet is increased, the number of chips increases in multiples of nine. On a $1 bet, $2 is bet on the 0, 2 and 3 trio, $1 is bet on the 4/7 split, $1 is bet on the 12/15 split, $1 is bet on the 18/21 split, $1 is bet on the 19/22 split, $2 is bet on the 25, 26, 28 and 29 corner and $1 is bet on the 32/35 split. |
Tiers du Cylindre | This is the name for the numbers which lie on the opposite side of the wheel between 27 and 33 including 27 and 33 themselves. The series is 27, 13, 36, 11, 30, 8, 23, 10, 5, 24, 16, and 33. It bets a total of six chips on a basic $1 bet. If you increase your basic bet, the total number of chips increases in multiples of six. On a $1 bet, $1 is bet on the 5/8 split, $1 is bet on the 10/11 split, $1 is bet on the 13/16 split, $1 is bet on the 23/24 split, $1 is bet on the 27/30 split and $1 is bet on the 33/36 split. |
Orphans | These numbers make up the two slices of the wheel outside the Tiers and Voisins. They contain a total of eight numbers, the Orphans comprising 17,34,6 and the Orphelins being 1, 20, 14, 31, and 9. A total of five chips are bet on a basic $1 bet. When the basic bet is increased, the chips increase in multiples of five. On a $1 bet, $1 is bet on 1, $1 is bet on the 6/9 split, $1 is bet on the 14/17 split, $1 is bet on the 17/20 split and $1 is bet on the 31/34 split. |
There are many additional rules in the European Roulette. Different bets have different payouts. The table below shows the payouts.
Bet | Payout |
Red | 1:1 |
Black | 1:1 |
Even | 1:1 |
Odd | 1:1 |
First Twelve | 2:1 |
Second Twelve | 2:1 |
Third Twelve | 2:1 |
18-Jan | 1:1 |
19-36 | 1:1 |
2-1 Column | 2:1 |
Straight Up | 35:1 |
Split | 17:1 |
Street | 11:1 |
Corner | 8:1 |
Six Number Bet | 5:1 |
Neighbor Bet | 35:1 |
Voisins de Zero | 0, 2, 3 (11:1) 25, 26, 28, 29 (8:1) 4, 7, 12, 15, 18, 21, 19, 22, 32, 35 (17:1) |
Tiers du Cylindre | 17:1 |
Orphans | 1 (35:1) 6, 9, 14, 17, 20, 31, 34 (17:1) |
It is also worth noting that 0 is neither odd nor even.
Roulette is a game of chance and there is no defined way to beat the table. However, over the years, many players have developed systems which give an advantage to the players and increase their chances of winning. Many systems were developed to beat the table. Some popular systems are the Martingale System, Labouchere system and the Dozen Bet. You can try all this different strategies without risking your bankroll by playing our roulette games for free.
The Martingale system
A winning streak or a losing streak in Roulette means nothing. Because, if you win five rounds continuously on ‘even numbers’, there is no guarantee that you win in the sixth round on betting again on ‘even numbers.’ The law of probability holds the same for even the sixth round and any outcome is possible. However, according to this system, losing streaks do not last long and in order to win and also compensate the previous loses, you have to double your bet after each round. For example, if you bet $25 on red and lose, you will lose $25. Increase your bet to $50 and spin for red again. If you lose again, you lose $25+$50 = $75. Now double your bet again to $100. If you win this time, you will win $100 and cover up for the previous loss, as well as make an additional $25 on the win.
But do not forget to check the table limits while you set out to implement this system. You can double your bets only upto a certain point on any roulette table. So even when you are using the system, you are taking a calculated risk. For a clear understanding, suppose you have $1000 in your account at coolcat-casino.com.
You wager $25 on red and if you lose you will be left with $ 975. Double your bet to $50 and bet again on red; if you lose again, you will be left with $ 925.
Now, following the Martingale system, you double the bet again and bet $100, meaning your account will hold $ 825. Let us say you win. Then, your account will reflect $ 1025. Remember both your wager and win will be added back to your account. Clicking on the CLEAR button helps you update the account status.
In effect, you have recovered your total $75 loss as well as earned an extra $25.
At coolcat-casino.com, you will find that the table limit is at a maximum of $250 for outside bets, and $200 for inside bets. Red being an outside bet, you cannot proceed beyond the next step. That is if you lose the $100 wager as well and decide to double it to $200, you will be taking a huge risk. Because if you lose that wager, you would have lost $375, just chasing the first $25. Even if you do win, you are only richer by $25, so is it really worth all the risk?
The Grand Martingale
Grand Martingale is much like the Martingale except that, here you not only double the bet after a loss but also add the initial bet amount to it. This system aims at higher profits. That is, if bet $25 and lose, double it to $50 and add $25 to it, to bet a total $75. If you win next round, you win $75 and cover the $25 you lost originally, plus gain an extra $50.
Let us check a live example
The initial Amount = $ 536,266.00
Bet Amount = $25, Amount Left = $536,241.00
Next Bet is double the previous bet of $25 plus the initial bet amount.
That is $50 + $25 = $ 75, Amount left = $ 536,166.00
Won the Bet, The Amount in the account = $ 536,316.00
So, the profit is $ 50 more than the initial amount $ 536,266
The Labouchere System
This is a progression betting strategy that does not require you to risk your stake. This strategy can be used if you wish to win a predetermined amount of money. List a series of positive numbers that add up to the amount that you want to win. With each bet, stake an amount equal to the sum of the first and last numbers on your list. If only one number remains, that number is the amount of the stake. If your bet is successful, remove the two amounts from the list. In case the bet fails, move the amount lost to the end of the list. Continue this process until either the list is completely crossed out, at which point you have won the desired amount of money or you have run out of money to wager.
For a clear understanding, let us assume that you want to win $ 55 and take numbers 1 to 10 for the list. That is, if you want to win $55 on European Roulette, make a list of positive numbers whose sum is $ 55.
To simplify, let us take the list like as 1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+10. Your first bet would be 1(the first number from the list) + 10(The last number from the list). The sum is 11. If you win, remove the first and the last numbers from the list. The new list would look like, 1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+10 your next bet will be 11 that is 9+2.
However, if you lose the bet of the initial bet of 11, your new list will be 2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+11.
Your next bet following the loss would be 13. (The sum of first number 2 and last number 11 from the list). Continue this process until all the numbers are crossed out, by which time, according to this system you are expected to win the target amount. This system enjoys popularity because many Roulette players find it to be an effective method to win.
Given below is an illustrative example of how this system plays itself after CoolCat casino software download takes place.
Labouchere System
Amount that is chosen to win is $ 55 (That is to make a profit more than the initial amount and less than or equal to $ 55)
The initial amount in the account – $ 536,229.00 | ||
List | Bet Amount on Red | Account balance |
1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+10 | $11 | $536,218.00 |
Won the bet | $536,240.00 | |
2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9 | $11 | $536,229.00 |
Won the bet | $536,251.00 | |
3+4+5+6+7+8 | $11 | $536,240.00 |
Won the bet | $536,262.00 | |
4+5+6+7 | $11 | $536,251.00 |
Lost the Bet | $536,251.00 | |
5+6+11 | $16 | $536,235.00 |
Lost the Bet | $536,235.00 | |
6+16 | $22 | $536,213.00 |
Won the Bet | $536,257.00 | |
Now, no numbers are left in the list and a profit of $ 28 is made. |
However, players are warned that these are merely illustrations. Though CoolCat Casino strives to provide well-researched articles on all aspects of the game, strategies spelt out on this website are merely reproductions of well-known theories. It does not guarantee that it will work for you or that it will give you a win, leave alone payouts.
The Dozen Bet
There are two versions of the dozen systems. One is the single dozen and the other is the double dozen system. In the single dozen bet you have to continuously increase the stake list from a minimum to maximum. The objective of this system is to bet on a single dozen before the stake list ends. There are different variations in this type of betting like betting on the same set of a dozen that appeared most in the 15 or 9 or 5 spins of Roulette wheel. In the double dozen version of the game, two dozen bets and half of the stake list size of single bet version is used.
Backtrack: Also known as ball-track, it is the outer rim of the wheel where the ball spins.
Biased numbers: If a particular set of numbers keep winning in the game, it is cause due to a biased wheel. These numbers are referred to as biased numbers.
Biased wheels: This is an imperfect Roulette wheel that is heave on one side and causes some numbers to appear more often than the other ones.
Big number: An indicative of a biased number, this number appears often – sometimes more than what is theoretically possible.
Black action: Betting a $100 black chip.
Black net: Bet made on a black colored number.
Bottom track: The inner, slanting area of a Roulette wheel that remains stationary.
Carré: French for corner bet.
Check rack: The tray that holds chips.
Cheval: French for Split bet.
Choppy game: a game where no one is winning consistently for both player and the house.
Croupier: an employee of the casino who operates on the Roulette table Dozen bet – Bet on any marked sets with twelve numbers.
House edge: The difference between true odds and the actual pay outs.
High bet: Bets on the numbers – 19 to 36.
Inside bet: Bets on or between numbers in the boxes of the layout.
Low bet: Bets on the numbers 1 – 8.
Orphelins (Orphans): Bet on specific number of three, which are laid out close together on the wheel, but are far apart on the Roulette table layout, namely 17, 34, 6, 1, 20, 31, 14 and 9.
Outside bet: Bets with even money – black/red, high/low, odd/even.
Parlay: It is when a player places his bet on the table and leaves it along with an added new bet, ready for the next spin.
Payout or Pay Out: The winnings the player is entitled to from the casino.
Red bet: Bets on the color whose next number is red.
Reds: Chips worth $5.
Roulette layout: Layout that has numbered grids and colors on a table. The players can place their bets here using chips.
Roulette system: Method designed to help players beat the wheel or decrease house advantage.
Roulette table: Table consisting the layout and the wheel.
Single zero Roulette: Also known as European Roulette.
Six number bet: When a player bets on six numbers at one time.
Sixainne: French for six line bet.
Split bet: Bet on two numbers together.
Straight bet: Bet on just one number. Betting in this manner gives the player a higher pay out, in case he wins.
Street bet: Bets on three numbers.
Surrender rule: En prison rule.
Tiers du cylinder: French for when a player bets on a group of numbers on the Roulette wheel which are laid close together on the Roulette table layout.
Transversale: French for Street bet.
Voisins du Zero: French for when a player bets on a group of numbers on the Roulette wheel which are close to the 0.
Wheel roller: A roulette dealer or croupier.